Hello friends!
Happy May! Well, it is almost summer and everything is just a buzz at the barn. We have so many fun and exciting activities coming up that we can barely contain our enthusiasm! Grab a nice cold beverage, kick up your feet, relax and take a look to see what you might want to participate in. We would love to see you!
Calling all tree huggers! As you have all heard by now, we are moving to our new location soon and we are going to need some trees planted. These new trees will provided much needed shade for the animals, nesting areas for birds, a jungle gym for the wild critters that like to climb, and great reading spots for when we want to just sit, relax and read to the animals. Will you join us on Saturday, June 17 from 11am to 1pm to help us plant some trees? On this fun filled event day, we will dig the holes, feed the soil, and tuck the trees into the ground with lots of love and tons of laughter! There will be yummy vegan snacks and drinks for everyone to enjoy. This is a great way to meet the animals and get to know them all while planting trees and enjoying the company of kind humans too! Location for this event is: 14755 Imboden Road, Hudson, CO 80642. We can’t wait to spend this time with each of you! Please go to our VOLUNTEER page to send us an email and sign up.
You all are rockin’ the Giving Grid! YAY! Thank you! We still have a ways to go before we meet our goal and we need your help! If we can get our donations up to $3,000.00 we will unlock another $3,000.00 donation match from the awesome folks at Muddy Paws. That will get us to almost 2/3 of our goal! Now that is something to cheer about. Won’t you help us raise the roof on a new barn for the animals? If you are unable to contribute monetarily, spreading the word is just as powerful. Please share with your friends and acquaintances and let them have the opportunity to be a part of something truly amazing. We appreciate you all and we know you can get us there! Bodhi and all of us at the barn thank MOO very much! Stay tuned for more information on the exact date for the actual Barn Raising Event. We are hoping for the end of July or the beginning of August. Check out our GIVING GRID now!

We have some shocking news to share and you might need to sit down for this if you are currently standing. Did you know that our sweet, gentle, beautiful Roja the horse still does not have a sponsor? We know, we can’t believe it either! She is feeling a little down about that so we wanted to try and cheer her up and see if there might be someone out there who feels a loving connection to our sweet Roja and might want to put a smile on her kind little face. Roja is getting older and is now retired, enjoying her days keeping watch over the other animals here at the barn. She is one of the motherly figures that roam the land making sure everyone is happy. In her older age she has started having trouble with her joints and requires monthly injections to keep her comfortable and less stiff. These injections cost $30.00 per month and that adds up quickly! She sure could use a very special human as her very own sponsor. Are you that special someone? If you or someone you know would like to sponsor Roja, or any of the loving animals here at the barn, please visit our SPONSOR A RESCUE page for more information. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Well, that is about it for now. Getting everything packed up and the animals prepared for the big move is a lot of work! Thank you to everyone who has been so helpful along the way and to those of you who plan on joining us for the events noted above. We are so fortunate to have such an incredible team of humans willing and ready to help care for these very special souls. Remember, if you would like to contribute to Project: Thrive but you are not able to be here physically to volunteer, we always encourage and appreciate donations. Please visit our DONATE page for more information. Don’t forget about AmazonSmiles! Remember that with AmazonSmiles, whenever you place an order, a portion of the proceeds will be directed to the charity of your choice at no additional cost to you. What a great way to support an organization like Project: Thrive!
We hope you all have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend and truly enjoy the warmth of the summer months to follow.

(Pictures: Roja the red, sweet horse; Bodhi sharing a laugh with Volunteer Eden; Lottie and Gertie dreaming of their brand new barn!)
In kindness,
Project: Thrive